"Flawfinder" available for use

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 09:01:19 PDT

  • Next message: RATS Development Team: "ANNOUNCEMENT: RATS-0.9 (C/C++ Security Scanner)"

    I've just released "flawfinder", a program that can scan source code
    and identify out potential security flaws, ranking them by likely severity.
    Unlike ITS4, flawfinder is completely open source / free software
    (it's released under the GPL license).
    Flawfinder will miss some security problems, and point out issues that aren't
    really security problems, but nevertheless I think it can help track
    down security problems in code so that the code can be fixed.
    You can download flawfinder from:
    Flawfinder is in its very early stages - I'm labelling it version "0.12".
    It works reliably, but its ruleset is currently small and rudimentary.
    It can already find some security problems now, but expanding its ruleset
    will give it much more power.  Also, it currently can only examine C/C++ code.
    After I wrote flawfinder - and just before I released it - I found out that
    Secure Software Solutions was also writing a program (RATS) to perform this
    same task, also to be released under the GPL.  We agreed to release our
    programs simultaneously, and to mention each other's programs in our
    announcements.  Now that we've released our programs, we plan to coordinate
    so that there will be a single open source / free software
    source code scanner that will be a ``best of breed.''
    --- David A. Wheeler

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