Re: TWIG SQL query bugs

From: Gunther Birznieks (guntherat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 04:37:53 PDT

  • Next message: kj: "Re: TWIG SQL query bugs"

    At 09:48 AM 5/31/2001 -0700, kj wrote:
    > > PHP used to have an option to automatically use addslashes() on any 
    > variable
    > > passed to it via POST or GET.  Please see your PHP.INI file and set the
    > > appropriate setting for "magic_quotes_gpc"
    >Isn't the "magic_quotes_gpc" only for GET/POST/COOKIES. For SQL
    >statements to dbs I think you need to initialize magic_quotes_runtime
    >for the addslashes() default.
    The problem with magic_quotes_gpc is that it is a global variable in PHP. 
    Many sysadmins turn it off because they may be using a program that 
    requires them not to be escaped. At least I understand this from a talk on 
    advanced PHP techniques someone gave at ApacheCon a few months ago.
    Unfortunately, I don't think magic_quotes_runtime is on by default if it 
    does what you say. The manual says it affects DB routines that return data 
    which implies it affects data returned, it doesn't mention anything about 
    the DB routines that only accept input parameters and never return anything.
    Maybe someone with more PHP experience and a handy PHP engine could verify 
    Many of the books that I have seen on PHP *assume* when they teach 
    programmers  that magic_quotes_gpc is ON in their security model because 
    this is how PHP is set up by default.
    Unfortunately, this is not the truth and I can only imagine that there must 
    be many PHP scripts out there that also follow this assumption -- because 
    the people who write the code are probably reading these books and learning 
    to code that way.
    Gunther Birznieks (gunther.birznieksat_private)
    eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company

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