Re: SECURITY.NNOV: Outlook Express address book spoofing

From: Kee Hinckley (nazgulat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 10:49:06 PDT

  • Next message: Dale Southard: "Re: SSH / X11 auth: needless complexity -> security problems?"

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    At 5:26 PM -0700 6/6/01, Dan Kaminsky wrote:
    >  > e.g. "myfriendat_private <attackerat_private>" the way
    >>  other packages like Netscape Messenger, Mozilla Mail, Pine, and Mutt do.
    >Good example of how user interface theory can be critical to resolving
    >security concerns.
    I would say rather, that this was a classic example of how an attempt 
    to provide a good user interface resulted in worse security.  It's 
    right up there with IE's penchant for ignoring file types and looking 
    at the content, or automatically translating backslashes into slashes 
    in a URL.  Yes, the interface has been improved, but in the long run 
    it has made far more trouble for end users, developers, and corporate 
    security than it was worth.
    True, you cannot examine security without taking into account the 
    user.  But doing UI work without regard for security is far more 
    In any case, the solution here is not necessary to not hide email 
    addresses--although lots of email programs seem to manage just fine 
    without that feature--it's not to automatically add aliases.  Or at 
    the very least, to not hide aliases that were automatically added. 
    The main advantage of adding aliases automatically is that you have 
    to do less typing when you send to one of them, that can be kept, 
    while treating automatically added aliases different than manually 
    added aliases.  Hmmm.  Different levels of security depending on 
    where the data came from.  That sounds like something that fits the 
    Microsoft model perfectly.
    - -- 
    Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
    I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
    responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
    everyone else's.
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