Re: Windows 2k SP2 breaks security fix should reapply

From: Eric (ewsat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 12:01:20 PDT

  • Next message: Russ: "RE: Windows 2k SP2 breaks security fix should reapply"

    Hmmm..  I took a Win2K Gold (no SP) machine, installed all hotfixes for the 
    OS and IIS5 (including the 01-026 patch).  I then installed SP2 and tested 
    for the double decode bug - the machine was not vulnerable.
    I then compared all the files that came with MS01-026 (IIS5) to the files 
    that were on the system (after the SP2 install and a reboot).  I compared 
    fileversion and checksum of each file from the hotfix to the files on the 
    system and found that all the MS01-026 files are still on the box - both 
    before and after SP2 install.
    SP2 will delete the registry key that is installed by MS01-026 
    (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Windows 2000\SP2\Q293826) - maybe causing 
    hfcheck.exe to report that the hotfix has not been applied, however, all 
    the relevant files are on the system.
    As far as I can tell, SP2 does not break the patch - and there is no need 
    to re-install the patch if you installed it prior to SP2.
    At 04:56 PM 6/13/2001 -0500, Colby Rice wrote:
    >SP2 allows the decoding bug to work
    >SP2 breaks the following patch and it should be reinstalled.

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