RE: [RHSA-2001:078-05] Format string bug fixed

From: Mayers, Philip J (p.mayersat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 06:14:36 PDT

  • Next message: Pablo Sor: "Solaris /opt/SUNWssp/bin/cb_reset Vulnerability"

    That's great - but did you even *bother* to check if the update works on
    RedHat 7.0?
    [root@unix-software i386]# cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)
    [root@unix-software i386]# rpm -qp --requires exim-3.22-13.i386.rpm
    [root@unix-software i386]# rpm -qa --provides | egrep 'libssl|libcrypto'
    [root@unix-software i386]# rpm -q openssl --provides
    openssl = 0.9.5a-14
    [root@unix-software i386]# rpm -Uvh exim-3.22-13.i386.rpm
    error: failed dependencies:
     is needed by exim-3.22-13
     is needed by exim-3.22-13
    *Wonderful* - you've shipped an update that no-one can apply, unless they
    update their OpenSSL package (an update you don't provide). Doubtless you
    built the RPM on RedHat 7.1, which has OpenSSL 0.9.6 and
    I like RedHat, but this is the third time you've done something like this in
    recent months:
    1) Splitting glibc into glibc-common and glibc, which meant that the glibc
    update could not automatically be applied
    2) Breaking the init script for the OpenSSH 2.5.2 release, which meant that
    if anyone applied the update whilst logged in over SSH, the SSH daemon
    restarted - this was because you switched to using the newer initscripts,
    which had a function in them that the older ones didn't.
    3) Now this, an (old, not even version 3.30) Exim update that won't apply!
    Don't even get me started on the RPM4 update to 6.2, or the LDAP and crypto
    libraries (which weren't a core part of the system when you shipped it, but
    you made essential later on) - annoyingly enough, after making such sweeping
    changes you didn't ship OpenSSH (although you already had OpenSSL) for 6.2.
    You might take a lead from Debian's book, and exercise a little bit of
    discipline when making your packages, rather than letting a random intern
    ship updates to systems that people are using *in production*. Can I make a
    suggestion - when developing patches for an operating system, try doing it
    on the right version of the damn OS, rather than against RawHide, or
    whatever it is you do...
    Could you please re-issue this update, compiled on the right system this
    | Phil Mayers, Network Support     |
    | Centre for Computing Services    |
    | Imperial College                 |
    -----Original Message-----
    From: bugzillaat_private [mailto:bugzillaat_private]
    Sent: 19 June 2001 21:40
    To: redhat-watch-listat_private
    Cc: bugtraqat_private; linux-securityat_private;
    Subject: [RHSA-2001:078-05] Format string bug fixed
    <snip broken update report>

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