Re: SurfControl Internet Monitoring/Blocking

From: Mike Ciavarella (
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 10:24:13 PDT

  • Next message: David LeBlanc: "RE: SurgeFTP vulnerabilities"

    I received similar treatment from them about a year and a half ago regarding
    an issue that completely bypassed any filtering that *should have been*
    taking place, just like yours. I could get no update from them on the status
    of the patch. The patch was released the next day after posting the issue to
    this list. There was barely any mention of the huge flaw in the filter
    mechanism within the release notes of the patch, and it was buried within
    all the other fixes. If I wasn't looking for it, I would have skipped right
    over it.  Given it's severity, I was expecting a rather speedy response and
    notification as a registered customer that my current version was
    ineffective without the patch! I had to pester the tech I contacted about
    the flaw to get any info, and what I received was only that it would be
    fixed in the next cumulative patch. SurfControl took about a month to
    release the patch from the time I notified them. No notification (as far as
    I know) ever went out to the customers. I do believe that a notice went to
    this list regarding the fix, but that was all.

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