multiple vendors XDM mis-compilation [Was: xdm cookies fast brute force]

From: Cyril Diakhate (diakhateat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 06:25:30 PDT

  • Next message: malachi: "Re: Solaris whodo Vulnerability"

    a few explanations about this advisory:
    - we haven't contacted or xfree because the XFree folks are _not_
    concerned. The problem comes from the "HasXdmAuth" option, and it is the
    responsability of the vendor to compile his X release with this option
    activated. The best way to contact all vendors aware about security without
    forgetting one is to post in this list.
    - nowadays, XFree86 logs this attack by default (which apparently was not
    the case in 1995)
    - we are not sure that the 1995 CERT advisory
    :R1) is about the same problem. That one was about poor /dev/random
    randomness, possible files rigths misconfiguration (authorithy files
    readable by anyone) and so on. Our advisory is about cookie computation in a
    few seconds, _not_ depending of the /dev/random randomness quality.
    - the solution is in the advisory (compile xdm with "HasXdmXauth" option
    - exploitation of this bug needs local access, remote exploitation is
    possible but far much difficult and we didn't post the remote version.
    - some vendors (NetBSD, SuSE...) already have a solution (NetBSD 1.5, SuSE
    6.3 and + on i386, ia64, ppc, s390 and sparc...)
    Nicolas MAWART - NtF - ntfat_private
    Cyril DIAKHATE - Sky - skyat_private

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