Re: Squid cross-site scripting (Fw: Squid doesn't quote urls in error messages.)

From: Rude Yak (rudeyakat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 08:54:38 PDT

  • Next message: Laurent Sintes: "Re: php mail function bypass safe_mode restriction"

      Short term, would it be possible to remove "%U" from ERR_* in
    squid/etc/errors, or does the issue apply to other %-tags in squid templates as
    I noticed that Squid 2.3.STABLE4 doesn't quote urls in error messages.
    For example if a user visits the following url <b>test</b>
    The user will get an invalid url page with test in bold.
    Or even more fun with: src="">
    You can actually get a working form in such an error message! Javascript too.
    So it may be possible to rip out other site's cookies from browsers using
    this (see DKrypt's and other peoples stuff on it).
    Also maybe do a fake form/page :).
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