Linux, too, sot of (Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities)

From: Richard Kettlewell (rjk+newsat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 12:30:26 PDT

  • Next message: Phaedrus: "Re[2]: long filename issue in Win9x"

    Ishikawa <ishikawaat_private> writes:
    > One may be tempted to block all the files below /dev inside
    > the browser/servers.
    If I ask my currently running web browser to open
    file:/proc/self/fd/3, it gets /dev/zero, and starts burning CPU and
    disc (until it runs out).
    There's some pipes in there too, which presumably have internal
    significance to the executing program; if I'd started it from a
    terminal there'd be some FDs onto that.  I'm sure there are all sorts
    of possibilities for disruption.
    Special files outside /dev constitute as much of a risk as the
    contents of /dev.
    > Could this be a cure for this problem under linux/UNIX?
    > (Yes, I know we can have devices under different places.
    > But I am not sure if the devices under non-stanard  places
    > can be used for DoS attacks in the browser context
    > I mentioned above.)
    A better answer might be to stat the file, and reject it if it not a
    regular file.  Another approach would be to forbid inlining "file:"
    URLs from external pages, as described at

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