"Code Red" also affecting Linksys cable modem router/firewalls?

From: Bear Giles (bearat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 16:23:44 PDT

  • Next message: Duncan Hill: "RE: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS"

    FWIW, I just checked my Linksys cable modem router/firewall.  It contains
    a web interface on the "inside," and optionally the "outside" port as well.
    My box is set up to disable remote management.
    However... it is clearly messed up.  The "advanced" menu is essentially
    missing, many of the buttons are ineffectual (e.g., when I tried to check
    the logs it was nonresponsive, ditto some help menus and other controls),
    I don't *know* that "Code Red" caused this, but the timing is suspicious.
    And annoying, since I disabled "remote maintenance" specifically to avoid
    this type of problem.
    Bear Giles
    bgiles+bugtraq at coyotesong dot com

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