DCShop exploit - google reply

From: Knud Erik Hojgaard (knudat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 01:12:48 PDT

  • Next message: Greg A. Woods: "Re: FIN_WAIT_1 DoS (netkill): Why the vulnerability still exists?"

    Once again google proves its superiosity. 
    Too bad this isn't worth much since altavista/lycos doesn't co-operate
    quite as well. 
    btw, altavista says:
    Also note that for security reasons, our system is unable to send or 
    receive attachments as they may contain viruses. Please send us another 
    message without an attachment, including all previous correspondence. We
    apologize for the inconvenience.
    thats a bit harsh aint it? I could think of quite a few better
    Knud Erik Hojgaard <knudat_private>
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Daniel Dulitz [mailto:danielat_private]
    Sent: 24. juli 2001 09:51
    To: sobbing whiner
    Subject: Re: Fw: DCShop exploit 
    sobbing whiner writes:
    > It would be a very good idea(and very nice for the owners of all this)
    > you filtered out the search string for a little while, at least 'till
    > security-aware users of this product gets time to patch their server.
    We can't do that, but we have removed a number of the pages that
    indicate that DCShop is installed on a particular site, effective
    within 12 hours.  We'll try to remove more of those pages over time.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    daniel dulitz

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