Re: UDP packet handling weird behaviour of various operating systems

From: Juergen P. Meier (jpmat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 08:26:30 PDT

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    > 1. Linux 2.4.7 UP (pristine source, waiting for a new shiny Alan Cox patch) 
    > 	- system gets frozen after 3 seconds of flood on a gigabit link.
    > Same result at a 100Mbps. The top utility shows (at least as long as it can)
    > that system(kernel) gets 100% of the CPU in its march to death. Same for
    > Linux kernel 2.2.19.
    2.4.6 (modular, unpatched, selfcompiled) on an old P133:
    biffit against loopback: 99% cpu(system), no slowdown, system
    responds normaly. (no slowdown)
    biffit against eth0: same effect. (doh, cause linux sends it over loopback)
    Biffit from a PIII/600 FDX 100mbit connected: same as above.
    in the later case: my ssh connection to that system (going through the
    same nic that was target) became a bit sluggish. Console access showed no
    It obviously just consumes idle time. Interupt load was not very high.
    (ping -f is much worse for interrupts)
    Board: ASUS p55tp4n (Intel FX chipset)
    CPU: P133 (with F00F bug)
    RAM: 64mb
    eth0: RealTek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet at 0xc480b000, 00:00:cb:11:22:33, IRQ 11
    eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'
    (nothing else on IRQ11)
    running squid, a webserver, 3 ssh connections, and having several iptables
    rules (those udp packets matched ACCEPT-rule #2 (loopback case) and rule #4
    on input chain)
    no SMP.
    > I would like to hear some other results for other operating systems.
    Windows 98 (running on the P3/600):
    25% load. no side effects
    Juergen P. Meier

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