Re: Slackware 8.0, 7.1 Vulnerability: /usr/bin/locate

From: Olaf Bohlen (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 13:21:37 PDT

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    >This don't say whether the locate database is always owned by nobody or
    >just temporary. (I am not at a slackware box.) I am just curious, 
    This is on my Slackware 8 box:
    freyr:/var/spool/locate# ls -l locatedb  
    -rw-r--r--    1 nobody   nogroup   1664857 Aug  1 04:42 locatedb
    And this remains as nobody/nogroup.
    But: no user (except root) should be able to gain access to nobody. so 
    this is not a security hole imho.
    Also if you run apache-cgi's as user, apache chowns to the owner of the 
    cgi before executing it:
    -- snip --
    echo "Content-type: text/plain"
    echo -n "Running cgi as: "
    echo "Running httpd as: "
    ps -ef | grep httpd | head -1
    -- snip --
    reports when executed by apache:
    Running cgi as: uid=4109(dackel) gid=80(www) groups=80(www)                     
    Running httpd as:                                                               
    www      24330 23441  0 00:42 ?        00:00:27 
    /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSS 
    so, i don't see a problem here.
    -- Olaf Bohlen --------------------- cell +49-172-4561817 --
    -- Maxfeldstrasse 16 --- mail <> --
    -- 90409 Nuernberg ------ http --
    -- Germany ---------------------- irc firefox01 (IRC-Net) --
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