Re: Adobe Acrobat creates world writable ~/AdobeFnt.lst files

From: Scott Howard (scottat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 15:34:36 PDT

  • Next message: Nate Haggard: "AOLserver 3.0 vulnerability"

    > >> >Adobe Acrobat creates world writable ~/AdobeFnt.lst files
    > Another possible workaround would be to create a shared object that
    > replaced the open/chmod calls that change the permissions on the file,
    > this could then be LD_PRELOAD'd so that acroread doesn't do the wrong thing.
    How about :
    mkdir ~/.adobe
    chmod 600 ~/.adobe
    mv ~AdobeFnt.lst ~/.adobe/
    ln -s ~/.adobe/AdobeFnt.lst ~
    As the chmod will follow the symlink, it will change the permissions of the
    file, not the link. This means that the file itself still ends up as mode
    0666, but as the directory it's in is mode 0600, then nobody will be able
    to access it other than the owner.
    Adding the above (with some checking that it hasn't already been done, etc)
    to a script which start Acrobat would handle the problem for all users.

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