Netscape 6.01A ksh "here document" vulnerability.

From: Larry W. Cashdollar (lwcat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 05:51:55 PDT

  • Next message: johncybpkat_private: "easy remote detection of a running tripwire for webpages system"

       Here is another example of the ksh "here document" vulnerability. 
    Except it is for Netscape 6.01a on Solaris 2.x.  This creates the same
    symlink vulnerability as the previous patchadd post.  Except your more
    likely to destroy user files rather than system files.  creates a "here document" in function moz_usage().
      cat << EOF
    Usage:  ${cmdname} [options] [program]
    Temp dir listing:
    pangea #ls -l /tmp
    -rw-r--r--   1 lwc     user        399 Aug 28 08:38 sh10040
    Truss output:
    1004:   stat64("/tmp/sh10040", 0xFFBEEDD8)              Err#2 ENOENT
    1004:   creat64("/tmp/sh10040", 0666)                   = 3
    1004:   unlink("/tmp/sh10040")                          = 0
    Solution? Use echo or another shell.
    -- Larry

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