Programmer claims MS eBook Reader Cracked

From: Jon O . (jonoat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 12:15:48 PDT

  • Next message: Fernando Cardoso: "RE: easy remote detection of a running tripwire for webpages syst em"

    Here are two reports of a vulnerability in MS eBook reader:
    An anonymous programmer has found a way to decrypt
    Microsoft Reader e-books, spurring digital-rights debate. 
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- In another potential blow to online publishing, a
    U.S. programmer says he has developed software that defeats the most
    advanced encryption features of Microsoft's Reader, a software
    program for distributing electronic books.
    It is very interesting that these vulnerabilities in Digital
    Rights Management (DRM )software can no longer be released 
    through the normal security channels due to possible risks.
    These and soon possibly other vulnerabilities cannot be released 
    due to possible DMCA violations. Therefore, Authors cannot fully trust
    these software packages as they are not being reviewed by the
    security community properly.
    DMCA information:

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