Bug in Linux 2.4 / iptables MAC match module

From: Chris Wilson (chrisat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 02:50:58 PDT

  • Next message: Linux Mandrake Security Team: "MDKSA-2001:079 - problems with devfs"

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    --[ netservers security advisory 01-09-26 ]--
    SUBJECT  : Bug in Linux 2.4 / iptables MAC match module
    SUMMARY  : MAC match module does not match small packets
    EFFECTS  : Malicious users may bypass MAC-based DROP rules
               pcAnywhere does not function correctly if allowed by MAC address
    SOLUTION : Apply the attached patch from Harald Welte, Netfilter core
               developer, or wait for the next release of the Linux kernel.
    CREDITS  : Harald Welte, Erick C. Jones, Netfilter team and users
    The Linux 2.4 kernel includes a new and very powerful firewalling, NAT and
    packet mangling architecture called Netfilter. The main component of
    Netfilter is iptables, a generic structure for allowing firewall rules to
    perform NAT, mangle packets, and access custom extensions for packet
    matching and mangling.
    One of the extensions supplied by default is the MAC module, which matches
    packets travelling through the firewall on the basis of their MAC
    (ethernet hardware) address. This module offers administrators some
    protection against malicious internal (or directly connected) users who
    spoof or change their IP address.
    The MAC module does not correctly match very small packets. For example,
    small ping packets can be generated by the Unix command 'ping somehost -s 4',
    or similarly under Windows with 'ping somehost -l 4'. Netcat with the -u
    option can generate small UDP packets which exhibit the same problem.
    To reproduce the problem, you will need 2 machines:
    - Victim, which runs iptables.
    - Attacker, which can generate small ICMP or UDP packets.
    We have used the DNS names 'Victim' and 'Attacker' to represent the IP
    addresses of these machines, and AT:TA:CK:ER:00:00 as the MAC address of
    the attacker. Please substitute real values if attempting to reproduce
    this problem.
    On Victim, at a root prompt:
      victim# iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
      victim# iptables -F INPUT
      victim# iptables -I INPUT -p icmp -m mac --mac-source AT:TA:CK:ER:00:00
        -j DROP
      victim# iptables -L INPUT -v
      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT xxxx packets, xxxxxxx bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
          0     0 DROP       icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
           MAC AT:TA:CK:ER:00:00
      [note that the packet and byte counters are zero]
    On Attacker (assuming Attacker runs Linux or similar)
      attacker# ping -s 8 -c 1 Victim
      PING Victim (xx.xx.xx.xx) from xx.xx.xx.xx : 8(36) bytes of data.
      --- xx.xx.xx.xx ping statistics ---
      1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
      [the ping packets were dropped, correctly]
    On Victim again:
      victim# iptables -L INPUT -v
      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 231 packets, 39475 bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
          1    36 DROP       icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
           MAC 00:03:47:87:BA:C5
      [note that the packet and byte counters have increased, the packet
       counter is showing 1 packet which is correct]
    Now back to Attacker:
      attacker# ping -s 4 -c 1 Victim
      PING Victim (xx.xx.xx.xx) from xx.xx.xx.xx : 4(32) bytes of data.
      12 bytes from xx.xx.xx.xx: icmp_seq=0 ttl=255
      --- xx.xx.xx.xx ping statistics ---
      1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
      [note that this time, the ping packet was replied to, not dropped by the
    And finally, back to Victim:
      victim# iptables -L INPUT -v
      Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 231 packets, 39475 bytes)
       pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
          1    32 DROP       icmp --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere
           MAC AT:TA:CK:ER:00:00
      [note that the packet counters have not increased, the packet did not
       match the drop rule]
    From a security point of view:
    - Malicious internal users may evade restrictions placed on their MAC
      address in some cases. For example, they might ping internal or external
      hosts to determine whether they are running, even though firewall rules
      disallow this.
    - They may also use small ICMP or UDP packets to leak information through
      the firewall, if no other rule prevents them from doing so.
    - Several applications use small ICMP or UDP packets, for example ping,
      netcat, and Symantec pcAnywhere. Administrators will not be able to
      restrict the use of these programs to certain known MAC addresses,
      because of this bug. This may result in lower overall security
      (especially as we know no complete workaround as yet).
    Harald Welte, Netfilter core developer, has released a patch which we have
    verified to have fixed the problem in our case. The patch is very small
    and can be applied by hand (the patch may be wrapped by your mail client,
    so I have attached it as well).
    --- linux-2.4.9/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_mac.c    Tue Oct  2 18:50:56 2001
    +++ linux-2.4.9-ipt_mac-fix/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_mac.c        Tue Oct  2
    19:32:20 2001
    @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         /* Is mac pointer valid? */
         return (skb->mac.raw >= skb->head
    -           && skb->mac.raw < skb->head + skb->len - ETH_HLEN
    +           && (skb->mac.raw + ETH_HLEN) <= skb->data
                /* If so, compare... */
                && ((memcmp(skb->mac.ethernet->h_source, info->srcaddr, ETH_ALEN)
                    == 0) ^ info->invert));
    Harald Welte writes:
    > the patch has been submitted to David Miller just one minute ago.
    The simplest, but least secure, workaround is to avoid matching by MAC
    address, but only match on IP address. This is common practice, but less
    secure than matching by MAC address.
    Another workaround is to use the latest version of iptables (1.2.3) from
    http://netfilter.samba.org. This includes a modules called "length" which
    can be used to match small packets. Some administrators might like to
    allow ICMP and/or UDP packets below a certain size with a command like
    this (UNTESTED):
      iptables -I INPUT -p icmp -m length --length 0:4 -j ACCEPT
    Note that using such a command will reduce the security of your
    iptables-protected hosts.
    In any case, a new version of iptables should be available soon which
    fixes this bug.
    Although we discovered this bug independently, James Morris of Netfilter
    was quick to point out that we were not the first. It appears that the bug
    was reported to Netfilter by Erick C Jones on 01/08/29. However, neither
    netfilter nor the Linux kernel was patched at this point.
    - http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/netfilter-devel/2001-August/002050.html
    - http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/netfilter-devel/2001-September/002278.html
    - http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/netfilter-devel/2001-September/002283.html
    We would like to thank:
    - The Netfilter team, both core and non-core, and Netfilter users for
      developing and testing this excellent packet filter system;
    - Harald Welte from Netfilter for his quick development of a patch and his
      generally friendly nature;
    - My boss, John McEleney, for discovering the bug.
    This advisory is RFpolicy compliant
    (http://www.wiretrip.net/rfp/policy.html). The bug was acknowledged by the
    Netfilter team within 5 days and quickly fixed. Thanks guys! Yet again
    open source beats closed source for rapid response.
    This advisory is copyright (C) 2001 Netservers.co.uk. Redistribution is
    permitted provided the contents and text of the advisory are not modified
    in any way.
    This advisory has been modified and updated since its original
    distribution to the netfilter users list on 01/09/25.
    Ciao, Chris.
       ___ __     _
     / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson -- UNIX Firewall Lead Developer |
    / (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | NetServers.co.uk http://www.netservers.co.uk |
    \ _//_/_/_//_/___/ | 21 Signet Court, Cambridge, UK. 01223 576516 |

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Oct 08 2001 - 22:27:21 PDT