Non-standard usage of HTTP proxy servers

From: Alexander Yurchenko (grangeat_private)
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 17:34:24 PDT

  • Next message: Keith Young: "Re: Non-standard usage of HTTP proxy servers"

    I'm sorry if the following things are well-known and not interesting for
    The HTML form protocol attack method described by Jochen Topf
    <jochenat_private> in his post to BugTraq
    can be used in another way. It's possible to connect to one of the
    numerous public HTTP proxy servers and send a request like:
    POST HTTP/1.0
    giving the SMTP commands as a content. In that way we can send an e-mail
    anonymously and trick diffrent DNS black lists. I've attached a simple
    perl script showing this technique. We can also do the same things using
    the others ASCII based protocols.
    Some proxy servers configured to refuse attempts to connect to such ports
    as SMTP, NNTP, POP3, etc, but many of them not.
    So HTTP proxy servers can do more than just retrieving HTML pages.
       Alexander Yurchenko (aka grange)

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