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","","ALL")> select vchbanstring from banning where chbantype = 'EM' select vchbanstring from banning where chbantype = 'UN' and vchbanstring = '#NickName#' ", "All")> ", "All")> " & chr(13) & "
" & chr(13) & "
" & chr(13), "","All")>

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select * from users where vchnickname = '#NickName#' select * from users where vchemailaddress = '#EmailAddress#''null' select * from usertitles where imincount = 0 select chdifference from timezones where itimezoneid = #timezone# select txemailmessage1 from othersettings select * from othersettings #qGetEmailMsg.txEmailMessage1# Login information: Nickname: #nickname# Password: #password# #qGetFooter.txmailfooter#

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select * from authoricons where chstatus = 'Enabled' order by vchiconname asc
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Nickname (max 20 characters) : *
Province/State: select vchcountryname from countries where chdefault = 'Y' select * from stateprovince order by vchcountry desc,vchstateprov vchcountry asc,vchstateprov
Country: select * from countries order by vchcountryname asc
Time Zone: select * from timezones order by iorder asc
ICQ #:
E-mail Address: *
Password: *
Verification: *
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