vulnerability diagnosis in "nessus" incorrect...

From: Bruce Campbell (bruceat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 13:20:44 PST

  • Next message: dzzieat_private: "Minor IE System Info Disclosure"

    concerning remote root exploit vulnerability in ssh prior to 1.2.32...
    vulnerability diagnosis in "nessus" incorrect leading to possible false
    sense of security.
    As you know, ssh prior to 1.2.32 is vulnerable to remote
    root exploit.  The diagnostic from security vulnerability
    detector tool incorrectly identifies the
    risk as a command insertion vulnerability.  The difference in
    risk is huge, and I believe the false diagnostic from nessus
    could give users a false sense of security.
    >You are running a version of SSH which is older than version 1.2.32, or a
    >version of OpenSSH which is older than 2.3.0.
    >This version is vulnerable to a flaw which allows an attacker to insert
    >arbitrary commands in a ssh stream.
    >Solution : Upgrade to version 1.2.32 of SSH which solves this problem, or
    >to version 2.3.0 of OpenSSH
    >Risk factor : High
    Bruce Campbell
    Engineering Computing
    University of Waterloo
    519-888-4567 ext. 5889
    PGP Key:

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