Redhat 7.0 local root (via uucp) (attempt 2)

From: zen-parse (zen-parseat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 04:56:52 PST

  • Next message: markus arndt: "easynews 1.5 let's remote users modify database"

    Affects:  RedHat 7.0 (possibly others)
    28 Aug 2001 01:27:24 +1200 uucp vulnerability exposed to vendor
     9 Nov 2001 07:14:15 +1300 this makewhatis vulnerability exposed to vendor
    An earlier version(1) of makewhatis had a fault in the handling of 
    compressed files that allowed execution of arbitrary commands as root.
    A patch for this problem was developed that seemed to be effective.  
    However, the patch was not restrictive enough in the metacharacters it
    filtered out.
    It is still possible to perform file creation or overwriting with
    arbitrary contents, as root.
    Taylor UUCP package and uucp exploit.
    The uucp utilities fail to filter out long options, which lets users 
    specify alternate configurations and as a result, execute commands with 
    uid and gid uucp. (2)
    Attached is an exploit for uucp (developed for RedHat 7.0, but other 
    vulnerable distributions should be similar).
    The root exploit.
    drwxrwxr-x    4 root     uucp         4096 Nov 30 19:48 /var/lock/
    On RH7.0 uucp allows arbitrary filename creation through the lockfile
    creation performed by /etc/cron.{daily,weekly}/makewhatis.cron.
    --- Start /etc/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron ---
    # the lockfile is not meant to be perfect, it's just in case the
    # two makewhatis cron scripts get run close to each other to keep
    # them from stepping on each other's toes.  The worst that will
    # happen is that they will temporarily corrupt the database...
    [ -f $LOCKFILE ] && exit 0
    trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" EXIT
    touch $LOCKFILE
    makewhatis -u -w
    exit 0
    --- End /etc/cron.daily/makewhatis.cron ---
    Simply symlinking /var/lock/makewhatis.lock to the filename u want to 
    create will cause it to be created. 
    This root exploit is only for RedHat 7.0, but a similar method may work on 
    other distributions.
    -- zen-parse
    Previous makewhatis problem.
    Taylor UUCP vulnerability.
    Some starving musicians.
    This is my 2nd attempt to post this: if it was rejected for any reason
    last time, would be nice to know why. If the previous one had just
    disappeared, that would be strange.
    The preceding information is confidential and may not be redistributed
    without explicit permission. Legal action may be taken to enforce this.  
    If this message was posted by zen-parseat_private to a public forum it may
    be redistributed as long as these conditions remain attached. If you are
    mum or dad, this probably doesn't apply to you.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Nov 30 2001 - 15:00:05 PST