SSH Vulnerability Scan

From: Niels Provos (provosat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 12:53:22 PST

  • Next message: Sebastian Krahmer: "SuSE Security Announcement: OpenSSH"

    SSH Vulnerability Scan
    Vulnerability to CRC32 compensation attack detector exploit
    In February 2001, Razor Bindview released their "Remote vulnerability
    in SSH daemon crc32 compensation attack detector" advisory, which
    outlined a gaping hole in deployed SSH servers that can lead to a
    remote attacker gaining privileged access:

    In November 2001, Dave Dittrich published a detailed analysis of the
    "CRC32 compensation attack detector exploit."  This exploit is
    currently widely in use.  CERT released Incident Note IN-2001-12:

    At the Center for Information Technology Integration, Niels Provos and
    Peter Honeyman have been scanning the University of Michigan for
    vulnerable SSH server software to identify and update vulnerable SSH

    However, scans of the Internet show that system and security
    administrators must react and update their SSH servers:

    At this writing, over 30% of all SSH servers appear to have the
    CRC32 bug.
    A simple solution is to remove support for Version One of the SSH
    protocol.  The majority of servers on the Internet support the SSH v2
    To test whether your network has vulnerable SSH servers, you might
    use the ScanSSH tool:

    "ScanSSH - Scanning the Internet for SSH Servers",
      Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman, 16th USENIX Systems Administration
      Conference (LISA). San Diego, CA, December 2001.
    This information is also available at

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