Advisory: popauth

From: Paul Starzetz (paulat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 14:53:18 PST

  • Next message: Mike Eheler: "Re: Phpnuke module.php vulnerability and php error_reporting issue"

    there is a symlink problem in the popauth utility, which is part of the
    qpoper package. The binary is often istalled suid pop and follows
    symlinks in the -trace file option.
    This problem has been reported to vendors in June 2001.
    Impact: in case of suid popauth and valid shell for user pop, the
    attached script will create suid-pop shell, if someone su to pop. This
    may happen as a part of some automated check script (startup script).
    This vulnerability is not very crucial, however it should be reported at
    least once.

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