Announcing a new DNS server implementation

From: bugtraqat_private
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 12:36:31 PST

  • Next message: bugzillaat_private: "[RHSA-2001:179-05] Updated namazu packages are available"

    About a year ago, there was a thread on Bugtraq, the result of which was 
    people asking for a new implementation of a DNS server, since people felt 
    that BIND was insecure, and because people felt that DjbDNS had a license 
    which was too restrictive.
    First of all, BIND 9 is a complete rewrite of BIND, which, so far, has not
    had one security problem reported with it.  When people say that "BIND is
    insecure", they really ought to say "BIND before BIND 9 is insecure".
    In addition, there is my project, MaraDNS.  MaraDNS strives to be a secure
    DNS server, by mandating that MaraDNS run as an unprivledged UID, and by
    performing its own chroot operation.  In addition, MaraDNS uses a special
    string library (which I wrote myself) which is buffer-overflow resistant
    (and permits nulls in strings, something which DNS data uses extensivly).
    I have just released the first beta release of MaraDNS.  This release has
    gone under months of testing by a volunteer crew, and I belive that we
    have most of the bugs ironed out.  Now, it is ready to be more extensivly
    Which is why I am announcing MaraDNS on this mailing list.  MaraDNS can be
    downloaded here:
    MaraDNS, naturally, is fully free and open-sourced.  In fact, MaraDNS is 
    public domain code.
    Of course, there are some other DNS projects which deserve to be
    mentioned.  Pdnsd is a caching-only DNS server; Posadis is a DNS server
    undergoing extensive development, and is roughly about where MaraDNS was
    about six months ago--I wish them the best of luck; and there was Dents 
    which, sadly, stopped development in 1999 or so before being usable.
    - Sam

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jan 09 2002 - 13:01:50 PST