(Repost) CwpApi : GetRelativePath() returns invalid paths (security advisory)

From: ACD Incorporated Support (supportat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 05:40:10 PST

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                           ACD Incorporated Security Advisory
    Project:            Comprehensive Web Programming API
    Synopsis:         GetRelativePath() in CwpApi.php returns paths outside of
                            the HTTP ServerRoot.
    Advisory date:  January 18, 2002
    New version:    1.1.1
    1. In Brief:
    An updated CwpApi release is available which fixes a minor security bug in
    GetRelativePath() that allows a file outside the HTTP ServerRoot to be read.
    2. Applies to:
    All versions prior to and including CwpApi-1.1.0, any platform
    3. Problem description:
    Versions of CwpApi before 1.1.1 (this security fix release) can return a
    path via GetRelativePath() that is outside the HTTP server root.  This
    happens because the code checked only to see if the server root was
    mentioned in the path, not whether the actual directory fell under the
    server root.  For example:  a path of  /etc/var/www/myfile.file would be
    considered valid if the server root directory is /var/www.
    CwpApi version 1.1.1 fixes this minor bug.
    4. Exploitability:
    Generally this bug should not cause much harm, unless the server
    administrator has similarly named directories scattered throughout the
    server filesystem (as mentioned above).
    All users of the API are encouraged to download the update.
    5. How the Update Functions:
    If the directory is not below the server root, the directory is forced
    beneath the server root.  For example /etc/var/www/myfile.file will become
    6. Files:
    Project Homepage:
    Copyright(c) 2001-2002, ACD, Incorporated.

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