security vulnerability in chuid

From: Scott Parish (srpat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 12:24:59 PST

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    Chuid contained two fatal bugs, the first allowing a user to change
    the uid of files outside of the designated upload directory by using
    '..', the second allowing a user to change root owned files as well as
    webserver owned files. Give the combination of these to it is imperative
    that people using this program upgrade to the latest version, which can
    be found at the following url:
    Thanks to Roman Ivanov for finding and informing appropriate people
    about this problem.
    Chuid is a small program to solve a problem created by PHP's safe_mode,
    which makes it so that non-webserver owned PHP scripts can't accept file
    uploads. It solves this dilemma by allowing files in a compile time
    specified upload directory to be re-owned by an arbitrary user, thus
    allowing PHP scripts to make use of uploaded files.
    Scott Parish

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