cachemgr.cgi (2.3STABLE4) (and 2)

From: Francisco Sáa Muñoz (fsaaat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 01:26:23 PST

  • Next message: Dustin Miller: "RE: MSN Messenger and UDP 1900"

    Stuart Moore from SecurityTracker tells me:
    Yes, is the same thing. The only new thing that I have contributed to
    is the script to demonstrate the vulnerability. (blah...)
    Francisco Sáa Muñoz :: Nuno Treez \(HLP\)
    Security Consultant/Tiger Team
    IP6 Seguridad
    Linux User #119288
    Proud user #115087
    "What if I'm not elite? Ragna Gronvold says I'm special"
    ps: mi english is poor, I know!

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