verisign payment site backdoor ?

From: Andrej Todosic (atodosicat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 16:43:53 PST

  • Next message: Alun Jones: "Re: Infecting the KaZaA network?"

    so i had today a little adventure with verisign about paying some domains. 
    When you go on their secure site and enter payment information, they now
    require a security check
    The security check consists of entering a billing address postal code.
    Without this the payment wouldnt work.
    After verifying several times witht hem on the phoen ( their system wont
    accept a canadian postal code).
    They told me just to put 5 zeros. The payment went through. I also seem to
    vaguely remember a mention of it somewhere in the payment confirmation
    screen. My question is:
    they gave it to me, so they know very well it exists, but what security do
    they have if they have a backdoor like this, 
    and what is the point of extra precautions when you publicly tell everyone
    to use zeros if nothing else works. 
    I dont know if this should be made into a big thing, but i certainly dont
    feel comfortable with these guys having my CC number.
    Comments or opinions are welcome. 

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