Remote crashes in Yahoo messenger

From: Scott Woodward (scottat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 09:03:57 PST

  • Next message: Tamer Sahin: "SecurityOffice Security Advisory:// Essentia Web Server Directory Traversal Vulnerability"

     All versions of Yahoo messenger version 5. Listens on port 5101 on client
    machine.  (obviously to
     offload server traffic for IMs)
     (for all of the problems listed below, the traffic is sent to the yahoo
    messenger opened port, 5101)
     1.  One can crash yahoo messenger by overflowing the message field in the
     yahoo protocol.
     2.  One can crash yahoo messenger by overflowing the IMvironment field in
     the yahoo protocol.
     3.  One can send a message as a spoofed name.
     4.  One can send many many messages from different names, flooding the
     5.  One can add a person to their buddy list (without their consent even),
     then message them a few times and that persons IP address will be sent in a
     message over yahoo's server.
     I would imagine there are many many more security problems to be found.

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