PCFriendly DVD Backchannel

From: Matt Curtin (cmcurtinat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 14:26:58 PST

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    PCFriendly Enables DVD Backchannels
      Numerous DVD titles from major movie producers between 1996 and 2000
      come enabled with ``PCFriendly,'' an application developed by
      InterActual Technologies that tracks DVD usage.  The system is
      designed to identify users persistently, without using an HTTP
      cookie, thus bypassing any privacy-enhancing technologies like
      cookie management software or browser configurations.  The
      identifying token is persistent through product registration and
      PCFriendly use.
      Normal use of popular DVD titles on computers will result in users
      being identified verinymously, along with the DVDs that were used on
      the machine.  Privacy problems for the user are significantly
      exacerbated by the DVD titles' links to Web sites, some of which
      have nonexistent privacy policies and in at least one case, send the
      user's email address to a third party.
      This behavior conflicts directly with the PCFriendly posted privacy
      policy of December 2000.  Further discussion with InterActual showed
      that the policy was written to apply to the newer InterActual
      Player, released to replace the PCFriendly player, for which no
      privacy policy existed.
      PCFriendly appears to offer users granular control over which parts
      of the backchannel to enable, but the controls are not obvious, and
      are all enabled by default.  Further, the software has been
      deprecated in favor of the newer InterActual Player, which includes
      additional features for user control over backchannel behavior.
    Matt Curtin, Founder  Interhack Corporation  http://web.interhack.com/
    My new book,  /Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security,/  is now
    available.  See site for details.  research | development | consulting

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