Re: mod_ssl Buffer Overflow Condition (Update Available)

From: Ben Laurie (benat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 01:54:41 PST

  • Next message: Ben Laurie: "Re: mod_ssl Buffer Overflow Condition (Update Available)"

    Ed Moyle wrote:
    > This vulnerability is unlikely to be exploitable in a production
    > environment. Since the buffer in question is the contents of the
    > SSL session, exploitability of this scenario would be tied to
    > increasing the size of the session.  The most obvious way of doing
    > this would be through the use of client certificates.  Therefore,
    > generating a really big client cert would overflow the buffer, and
    > could potentially be used to run arbitrary code.  HOWEVER, these
    > routines are only called AFTER SUCCESSFUL VERIFICATION of the client
    > cert, which would mean that a CA *TRUSTED BY THE WEB SERVER* would have
    > to issue the certificate in question.  In addition, both client cert
    > auth and the dbm or shared memory session caching functionality would
    > need to be enabled.
    This analysis is flawed: although the certificate would have to be
    issued by a trusted CA, some parts of the certificate are under control
    of the owner of the certificate, who could therefore get a certificate
    of arbitrary size by, for example, requesting a very large DN. I can see
    no reason that a CA would vet CSRs for size - why should they? So, the
    fact that a trusted CA produced the certificate has no bearing on its
    "There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
    doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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