Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.7] OpenServer: multiple vulnerabilities in squid

From: securityat_private
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 11:34:30 PST

  • Next message: Michiel Heijkoop: "Re: RealPlayer bug"

    To: bugtraqat_private announceat_private scoannmodat_private
    	    Caldera International, Inc. Security Advisory
    Subject:		OpenServer: multiple vulnerabilities in squid
    Advisory number: 	CSSA-2002-SCO.7
    Issue date: 		2002 March 4
    Cross reference:
    1. Problem Description
    	Multiple vulnerabilities were discovered in squid, including
    	(but not limited to) the following issues:
    	- htcp_port 0 now properly disables htcp
            - Fixed problem with certain non-anonymous ftp style URL's
            - SNMP bugfixes including several memory leaks
            - Fixed bug #255: core dump on SSL/CONNECT if access denied by
            - Fixed a coredump when creating FTP directories
    	- Fixed a potential coredump situation on snmpwalk in certain
    	The full list is in the ChangeLog for Squid 2.4.STABLE4. The
    	last released verison of squid for OpenServer was 2.4.STABLE1.
    2. Vulnerable Supported Versions
    	Operating System	Version		Affected Files
    	OpenServer		<=5.0.6a	squid-2.4.STABLE4-VOLS.tar
    3. Workaround
    4. UnixWare 7, Open UNIX 8
      4.1 Location of Fixed Binaries

      4.2 Verification
    	MD5 (squid-2.4.STABLE4-VOLS.tar) = d8a841049ce47d0dc02af7dd8ff19300
    	md5 is available for download from
      4.3 Installing Fixed Binaries
    	Upgrade the affected binaries with the following commands:
    	to the /tmp directory
    	# cd /tmp
    	# tar xvf squid-2.4.STABLE4-VOLS.tar
    	Run the custom command, specify an install from media images,
    	and specify the /tmp directory as the location of the images.
    5. References
    	This and other advisories are located at
    	This advisory addresses Caldera Security internal incidents
    	sr860951, fz520236, erg711970.
    6. Disclaimer
    	Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse
    	of any of the information we provide on our website and/or
    	through our security advisories. Our advisories are a service
    	to our customers intended to promote secure installation and
    	use of Caldera International products.
    7. Acknowledgements
    	The ftp vulnerability was discovered by Jouko Pynnonen
    	Caldera would like to thank Henrik Nordstrom <>
    	and the Squid team for responding with alacrity.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Mar 04 2002 - 13:33:47 PST