zlib & java

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 07:29:25 PST

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    Back in Java 1.1, zlibc was visibly part of the source tree for java.
    More recent versions of Java seem to make the java.util.zip from .java
    files but use a JNI (Java Native Interface) for the actual implementation.
    e.g. there's a class called:
    Does anyone know what the implications of this are?  The real issue here
    appears to be what sort of memory management (malloc/free) java uses for
    the JNI code.  (I've neither had the time to test or look more deeply
    into this.)  If a native malloc/free is being used (as opposed to the
    standard java object management), is the sandbox at risk here?
    Well, aside from meaning we need a new jar for java.util.zip if the zlib
    code there is buggy :)

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