Re: ZLib double free bug: Windows NT potentially unaffected

From: Casper Dik (Casper.Dikat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 15:12:16 PST

  • Next message: Mike Tone: "Fwd: DebPloit (exploit)"

    >ZLib implementations on Windows NT should be unaffected by the "double 
    >free" bug, as long as they use the heap management functions of the Runtime 
    >Library (RTL), or any front-end to them, since these functions do a pretty 
    >good job at preventing heap corruption and access violations
    Catching double free()s is one thing, preventing heap corruption is
    quite something different.
    If a piece of memory is freed twice, it can be handed back out before the
    second (incorrect) free occurs.
    Aside, if double free catching alone is sufficient to be considered
    safe from this zlib bug, then Solaris standard libc malloc is also safe;
    it catches double frees in several ways.  (Last value free()d w/o
    intervening value; checks for existance on the free list and whether it
    is marked free)

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