[Mozilla Bug #131761] Buffer Overflow in Geck/Netscape 5.0/6.0?

From: Jonathan A. Zdziarski (jonathanat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 13:27:49 PST

  • Next message: itojunat_private: "Re: TCP Connections to a Broadcast Address on BSD-Based Systems"

    After performing some additional testing and parsing the feedback I've
    received from the list, it looks like only the following are affected:
    - Netscape 6.0 - 6.21 (Tested on Windows XP and RedHat 7.2)
    - Mozilla Build 2001090111 (Included with RedHat 7.2)
    And the following are not affected:
    - Mozilla 0.9.9 (Tested on RedHat 7.1, 7.2, and Debian)
    Not yet sure about at what version this changed.  I'm hoping someone at
    Mozilla can confirm that it was truly fixed in 0.9.9 and not just
    inadvertantly changed where it could pop up somewhere else or under
    different circumstances.  I don't see this being reported anywhere else
    (security focus lists), and can't seem to find any mention of it in any
    release notes for mozilla.
    If it has been fixed, it appears that it hasn't propogated to Netscape
    yet, and RedHat probably should include the newer version (as I'm sure
    they will) of the browser with future distributions.

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