Instant Web Mail additional POP3 commands and mail headers

From: Ulf Harnhammar (ulfhat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 23 2002 - 14:30:01 PST

  • Next message: Adrian Chadd: "updated squid advisory"

    Instant Web Mail additional POP3 commands and mail headers
    PROGRAM: Instant Web Mail
    VENDOR: Jonas Koch Bentzen (jonasat_private)
    VULNERABLE VERSIONS: 0.59 (possibly earlier versions too)
    TYPE: remote/local
    SEVERITY: medium
    "Instant Web Mail is a Web-based POP mail client written in PHP. It is
    incredibly simple to install, but it is nevertheless an advanced program."
    (direct quote from the program's project page at Freshmeat)
    It has got features like reading/sending attachments, viewing both text/plain
    and text/html messages, decoding national characters in mail headers, you can
    choose between several languages and themes, it is customizable etc.
    The program is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
    1) The function command(), which sends a POP3 command to a POP3 server, allows
    embedded CR and LF characters. Nowhere in the program does those characters
    get stripped in user input before it is sent to that function. This means that
    we can include additional POP3 commands in user requests.
    The program also converts URL's in e-mail messages to links. This makes it
    easy for an evil person to send a link to a user, and for that user to visit
    it. He or she may then be redirected from the evil server back to a page at
    his or her Instant Web Mail installation. If the evil server passes an
    additional POP3 command for deleting a mail in the URL that it redirects to,
    Instant Web Mail will then show the user one mail while deleting another one!
    One example of such a URL to redirect to would be:
    2) The mail sending script write.php allows embedded CR and LF characters in
    the user input that makes up mail headers like From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject and
    X-Priority. This can be used for adding uuencoded attachments up in the
    headers with lines ending in CR instead of CRLF, as previously discussed here
    on Bugtraq.
    This issue can be exploited by simply saving Instant Web Mail's HTML page for
    writing mails, and changing some text fields to textareas.
    The vendor was contacted on the 14th of March. We discussed these issues for a
    few days. Version 0.60, which is not vulnerable to any of these issues, was
    released on the 17th of March.
    I recommend that all users upgrade to version 0.60 immediately.
    // Ulf Harnhammar

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Mar 26 2002 - 06:22:00 PST