Fun With MSN Chat Part I (Cross Scripting)

From: John Heasman (john.heasmanat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 09:06:49 PST

  • Next message: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team: "UPDATED: Cisco Security Advisory: LDAP Connection Leak in CTI when User Authentication Fails"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Hi. Seeing as there has been a recent discussion 
    about cross scripting on high profile sites, I thought it 
    timely to release details of cross script opportunities 
    on MSN's chat service.
    MSN Chat is an IRCX network with a web based 
    client (an ActiveX control). Cross scripting has been 
    discussed at length elsewhere so I won't describe it 
    here.  MSN have been notified about this advisory.
    Here are two cross scripting situations.  Unicode is 
    used to pass certain characters; converting the 
    whole cross script part to unicode further obfuscates 
    the URL making it easier to trick a user into clicking it.
    Note: A URL similar to the one above may be 
    obtained by using the form on to create a room.  
    The form provides some basic client-side validation 
    to check for illegal characters (< and >). This 
    advisory goes to show the client-side checking has 
    very little purpose (IMHO).
    Note: As this string appears in quotes I have had to 
    escape the / in script tag.
    The implication of the two URLs above is that 
    passport cookies in the domain can be 
    stolen by tricking a user into visiting a malicious 
    webpage.  This can be achieved easily since the 
    MSN chat control conveniently creates a clickable link 
    when it detects the string http://.  
    The first URL has a limit on the number of characters 
    that can be present in the cross script, since it 
    represents the name of a chat room the victim 
    supposedly wishes to join.  The chat control will 
    throw an error about illegal characters in the chat 
    room name if the page is allowed to load fully (better 
    to put a window.location="about::"; at the end of the 
    cross script if you have room). The second URL has 
    no such limitation.
    Let us now discuss the implications for MSN Chat.  
    The above URLs enable an attacker to impersonate 
    another user on the chat service and alter his/her 
    nickname and profile.  The three cookies that are of 
    interest are:
    MSPProf (Profile information)
    MSPAuth (Authentication information)
    MSNChatNN (Nickname)
    It is possible for an attacker only to use the victim's 
    MSNChatNN, thus stealing his nickname, but not his 
    identity as such.  Some chat room operators use non-
    MSN clients to allow use of more advanced IRCX 
    commands e.g. ACCESS command to auto-host 
    depending on nickname/identity etc. Obviously this is 
    not a good idea in light of this bug.
    [About Cross Scripting in general]
    I would agree with earlier postings about the extent of 
    cross scripting vulnerabilities.  I visited a number of 
    UK retailer's websites and I would say that 80 - 90% 
    were vulnerable to cross scripting.  I was (am?) 
    planning to release a list or attempt to contact site 
    admins to inform them.  This got me thinking about 
    automating detection of cross scripting 
    vulnerabilities - at the basic level, scanning a page for 
    any forms, returning the form with some arbitrary 
    input then scanning the returned page for that same 
    input.  Of course this is largely simplified but it is an 
    interesting idea.  If anyone is interested in discussing 
    this, please get in contact.
    [The Obligatory Greetings]
    .ox ppl I know & the boyz@103   :)

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