SASL (v1/v2) MYSQL/LDAP authentication patch.

From: Simon Loader (simonat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 02:06:27 PST

  • Next message: Andrew van der Stock: "VNC Security Bulletin - zlib double free issue (multiple vendors and versions)"

    Dear bugtraq
      I dont know if this is valid for bugtraq but this patch
    is downloaded about 100 times month (~10%).
    Name: sasl auth patch for mysql and ldap
    Systems Affected: All
    Severity: High ?
     A security bug in the SASL auth PATCH against cyrus sasl 1.5.24 and
    cyrus sasl 1.5.27 to provide authentication against MYSQL and LDAP (LDAP
    side not effected) by iberiozkoat_private This would allow a any user via
    POP to authenticate as anyone else via POP. The auxprop patch to SASL v2
    is probably not vulnerable (has been patched anyway) This piece of
    code was based on some code by David Matthew Zendzian (he
    has had a fixed patch out for a while). It is also the code used in
    FreeBSD ports when another auth mechanism is selected when install
    cyrus sasl.
    Email from Берёзко Иван <iberiozkoat_private> :
    There is a bug in Cyrus SASL 1.5.27 LDAP+MYSQL auth patch (same with
    versions). You create a query string this way:
    You do not escape userid and password, allowing an attacker to authenticate.
    Look at my example (doing telnet to pop3 server using Cyrus-SASL + Mysql,
    built with -DUSE_CRYPT_PASSWORD).
    USER somename
    +OK Name is a valid mailbox
    PASS ') OR 1=1 HAVING FLOOR(RAND()*100)=1 AND ('1'='1
    +OK Maildrop locked and ready
    Supplying a password like "') OR 1=1 HAVING FLOOR(RAND()*100)=1 AND ('1'='1"
    (without double quotes) will _sometimes_ allow authentication. If an
    attacker knows internal database structure (column names, for example), he
    will be able to authenticate at the first try.
    Fix Information:
    There is a new release of the patch available from
    and The code was originally
    by DMZ of but he has had a fix
    up for about a year now.
     The Auxprop patch for SASL V2 is probably not vulnerable (noting
    if knowing the users password) but has been patches too.
    Anything else:
      I am thinking of starting a mailing list for all the patches I
    get for this patch and security things like this would anyone be
    interested ?
    Anything else you may care to know my be directed at me
    Simon Loader
    7 months unemployed and checking out card board boxes.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Apr 02 2002 - 22:34:09 PST