regarding SSL issues

From: 0x90 (0x90at_private)
Date: Sun Apr 07 2002 - 21:36:48 PDT

  • Next message: securityat_private: "Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.14] Open UNIX 8.0.0 UnixWare 7.1.1 : X server allows access to any shared memory on the system"

    The reason for the ssl issue in Microsoft's IE browser is because when
    requestsing an <img src="" width=1
    height=1> before going to the page, it has chosen to not question the cert
    at that point either, because of the embedded object in the source code.
    Even if the embedded object does not exist, it will still trust from that
    point on. This is a small and stupid bug on IE's part, and is an easy fix,
    the question of why it isn't is really a microsoft issue.
    This can easily be exploitable by the Man in the Middle/replay attack as Eve
    can request the img src in midstream upon Alice's request for cert, then
    send a signed but not valid to the host's cert, allowing Eve to handle the
    trusting before Alice is even notified.
    A proof of concept for your browser checking is here
    until fixed, I advise everyone to check all certs if using IE, and even if
    not, don't click yes on impulse. This is not a likely attack from kiddiez or
    hackers, but the powers above us can easily exploit this, or the nearest
    network administrator on your corporate network :)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Apr 08 2002 - 22:45:19 PDT