IBM Informix Web DataBlade: SQL injection

From: Simon Lodal (simonlat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 08:00:05 PDT

  • Next message: verbalat_private: "RE: MS02-018"

    IBM Informix Web DataBlade: SQL injection
    By Simon Lodal, Denmark
    Vendor status: Notified months ago, said they would be working on
    updates, never heard anything.
    Software: Web DataBlade 4.12, IDS 9.20/9.21, Linux 2.2/2.4, SunOS 5.7
    (OS, IDS and WDB versions seem to be irrelevant).
    Impact: SQL code is executed under the uid that webdriver connects as.
    This implies file access and database manipulation. The webdriver user
    should be a dedicated, non-privileged user, but in real life it is often
    not. Both "root" and "informix" have been seen in use, and the attacker
    will thus get much more privileges.
    Workaround: None I can think of.
    When a user makes a page request, webdriver executes a query that will
    both fetch and process the page. This query is vulnerable to SQL
    injection attacks, due to bad filtering/escaping of user input.
    Example: Request for "". HTTP
    authentication is in use, and a correct user/passwd has been supplied
    (have not tested this without HTTP auth). The webdriver log reports the
    following query being executed:
    SELECT webexplode(object,?::html),req_level FROM wbpages WHERE
    name='page' AND path='/' AND req_level <= 100;
    Explanation: webexplode() invokes the page engine, returns some
    processed HTML. wbpages is the table storing HTML pages, and the rest is
    a breakdown of the request. The path is "/" not "/site/" because
    webdriver is configured to operate only under the (virtual) directory
    "/site"; that is it's root directory. The .html extension is not part of
    the query since the extension has already been used in another query to
    figure out which table to fetch the page from. The value "100" is my
    personal "user level", which is assigned all users; when not using HTTP
    auth all users have a value of 0. Each page has a corresponding "page
    level" (req_level), thus the protection scheme is that to access a page
    with page level 200 you must be authenticated as a user who has a user
    level >= 200, or get access denied.
    Webdriver fails to properly escape quotes in input data. A request
    string of "'--/page.html" will modify the "path"
    part of the query, resulting in the following SQL query being executed:
    SELECT webexplode(object,?::html),req_level FROM wbpages WHERE
    name='page' AND path='/'--' and req_level <= 100;
    Now we get "", or any other page we
    want, regardless of our user level.
    Adding a semicolon raises an error, so you can not execute multiple
    queries in one operation, and so you can only modify the existing
    clauses, or add others that will mostly only limit, not widen, what you
    get. But that is only until you start using UNION queries, these allow
    SQL of choice to be inserted.
    The point is that webdriver simply expects to get a processed page
    (essentially just a string) and an int value back from the query. How
    these values are created does not matter. As long as the final result
    contains exactly one row, having a string type column and an int type
    column, webdriver will return the string part to the user and be happy.
    So the trick is to make the default part of the query (see above) return
    nothing (no rows), then add another UNION'ed query that returns the data
    we actually want.
    The webexplode() function returns data of type "html", and since all
    text types can be cast'ed to "html" is is easy to create a UNION select;
    it can simply return any text type plus an int type. Consider:' UNION ALL SELECT
    FileToClob('/etc/passwd','server')::html,0 FROM sysusers WHERE username
    = USER --/.html
    This will get you:
    SELECT webexplode(object,?::html),req_level FROM wbpages WHERE name=''
    AND path='/' UNION ALL SELECT FileToClob('/etc/passwd','server')::html,0
    FROM sysusers WHERE username = USER --' and req_level <= 100;
    The first part of the query returns no rows (as long as does not exist). The second part will read
    /etc/passwd and return it as the HTML page.
    The clause "FROM sysusers WHERE username=USER" is a dummy; there must be
    a FROM clause, and it must produce exactly one row.
    This hole is still not fully exploited. Adding a UNION'ed query
    restricts us to using SELECT statements; even though you can use
    function expressions to do file I/O it is still not the same as being
    able to execute INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, DROP etc. So we go looking for a
    way to execute entirely standalone SQL statements ... and we find the
    immediate solution is the webexplode() function, which is by definition
    available since we are running Web DataBlade. It takes as parameter some
    text and a list of environment variables. The first parameter is AppPage
    code (HTML code with embedded queries and ugly programming constructs)
    which is interpreted by webexplode(). webexplode() processes HTML code
    with embbeded SQL.
    The above request are plain GET request which can be typed into the
    address bar of a browser. However there is a limit on the query size, so
    we want to use POST instead. The following retrieves an HTML formatted
    list of all database users and passwords (may be encrypted depending on
    setup); substitute with any SQL (INSERT, UPDATE, DROP, etc):
    > telnet 80
    Trying x.x.x.x...
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    POST /site/ HTTP/1.0
    Content-Length: 215
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Similar bugs
    The query exploited here is only the one used to fetch a page from the
    database. If the site is password protected you would need a valid
    login/pass to even get to the point where the page query is executed.
    The HTTP authentication is carried out by webdriver, which means it
    makes a query for the provided username and password. Not surprisingly
    this query is also buggy. So instead of spoofing the URL you could
    simply add quote tricks to the username provided. There are some
    problems with this approach however:
    - I have not found the exact username/password query in any logs, so it
    is hard to say what exactly the query expects. I have just seen the log
    emitting errors when putting quotes in the username.
    - Authentication info may be cached depending on configuration, which
    might mean that the query is not executed (not tested).
    Simon Lodal

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