Restricted Shells

From: A.Dimitrov (adimitroat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 14:12:23 PDT

  • Next message: Bronek Kozicki: "Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin - MS02-020"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    I have recently realized a security issue in some
    of the restricted shells on *NIX systems. I am not
    sure if I am the first one to discover the problem
    I am going to discuss but I am sure that it has
    not been posted yet, atleast not that I know of.
    Basically this is the issue:
    Affected Systems:
    Any Unix systems that I am aware of using
    restricted shells (rbash, rksh)
    An authorized user is that is set to use rbash or
    rksh is able to escape the restricted shell
    environment and then furthermore exploit the
    system. The problem comes from the fact thatwhen a
    command is executed from the shell and it is found
    to be a shell procedure then rksh or rbash are
    invoked to  execute it.
    One needs to store the shell script in a
    world-writable directory like /tmp or /usr/tmp
    so let's assume the server is running sshd (This
    is also exploitable through rsh). In this case
    store in a file called anything you want (I will
    use .tmp123) the following:
    rm -Rf /tmp/.tmp123
    Then execute the following:
    $scp ./.tmp123 user@host:/tmp
    user@host's password:
    $ssh -l user host '/tmp/.tmp123'
    user@host's password:
    You should now have a normal bash shell instead 
    of the original rbash.
    Also a great plus to doing this is that whenever
    you follow the procedure above the commands 'w'
    and 'who' cannot detect your presence. However
    'ps' dows show the intruder's presence.
    I am not aware of any except maybe an attempt to
    retune the system. If anyone has any ideas please
    e-mail me.
    A. Dimitrov
    System Administrator
    Georgia College & State University 

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