A bug in the Kerberos4 ftp client may cause heap overflow which leads to remote code execution

From: Marcell Fodor (m.fodorat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 13:13:23 PDT

  • Next message: Steven Zins: "Re: LabVIEW Web Server DoS Vulnerability"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Kerberos4 ftp client is a simple ftp client, with the 
    extensions defined by RFC 2228.
    When authentication fails with AUTH, client will use 
    USER/PASS command as other ones.
    A bug in the code may cause a heap overflow which leads to 
    remote code execution.
    The overflow occurs when the server responds to client's 
    request for passive mode. If the server
    responds with a long reply in the place of IP and port, 
    pasv buffer will overflow.
    Affected version: 4-1.1.1
    The real danger: an ftp server can simply modified to 
    recognize Kerberos4 ftp client by it's protocol. You know 
    the rest.
    Details and exploit code: mantra.freeweb.hu
    Marcell Fodor

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