UPDATE (1-May-2002): Reading local files in Netscape 6 and Mozilla (GM#001-NS)

From: GreyMagic Software (securityat_private)
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 02:43:59 PDT

  • Next message: CHINANSL Security Team: "Windows 2000 Server IIS 5.0 .ASP Overflow Exploit"

    A bit after we released the advisory we received two emails, which notified
    us that through testing in our demonstration, they found out that this bug
    can also be used to list files in folders.
    That alone, makes this bug far more volatile than the one patched by
    MS02-008. It is possible to recursively build a tree of the victim's file
    system, along with size, date and the content of files.
    This vulnerability opens the entire file system up for reading (as long as
    the browser user has access).
    We added a "Mozilla Disk Explorer" demonstration to our advisory, which lets
    you browse through your local disk, entering folders and reading files with
    a simple click. Everything you see in this demonstration could be easily
    transferred to an attacking server, logging your file system structure and
    contents (without need for user interaction, of course).
    You can view it at http://sec.greymagic.com/adv/gm001-ns/mozexplorer.html
    Thanks to "loon" and Gerd Zemella for letting us know.
    On a different note, this issue has been fixed by the Mozilla crew, thanks
    for the quick patch.
    	- GMS

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