Flaw caused by default rulesets in many desktop firewalls under windows

From: Christian decoder Holler (christian_hollerat_private)
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 11:44:15 PDT

  • Next message: Markus Arndt: "Possible Buffer Overflow in ACDSee 4.0"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Several Desktop-Firewalls for Windows, such as Tiny 
    Personal Firewall 2.0 or ATGuard, maybe also others, allow 
    DNS resolving by default. That allows reversed trojans to 
    connect to a server on port 53 and send/receive commands 
    and informations without the user knowing it. The firewall 
    permits any communication to any server on port 53 UDP. I 
    wrote a small trojan in VB and tested it with Tiny Personal 
    Firewall 2.0 and it worked.
    Solution: Change the default rules for DNS to a fixed host, 
    for example to the DNS server of the ISP or the DNS server 
    in the local network.
    Chris (decoder)

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